Thinking about Thinking...


It's important for us to recognize how we behave when we arecommunicating with others. Find the communication style you most use when in a negative state:


  • Justifying Oneself
  • Fighting for Control
  • Talking Angrily
  • Pushing
  • Ordering
  • Cornering
  • Lecturing or Preaching... in a demanding, overbearing manner
  • Patronizing... talking down to others
  • Intrusive Statements or Questions
  • Whining - Crying - Complaining of being ill
  • Receivers will likely respond to you with such behavior as hostility, rebellion, distrust, distance, fatigue, depression, and sometimes physical symptoms, and even serious emotional illness.
  • You may be viewed as someone to b e feared and avoided; or as someone to be connected to for protection, for the "power" umbrella" you provide.

  • Talking in an uninterested, aloof manner - intellectualizing - talking in a robot-like manner - ignoring the feelings of the other person(s) - Using humor that creates distance - Wandering - talking off the subject - talking evasively - Refusing to reveal one's convictions, desires, etc.
  • Relationships may dwindle and become dehumanized, mechanical, and devoid of warmth.
  • Apathy may set in, replacing joy, a zest of living, friendship, andsensitivity.
  • Life may become meaningless.
  • Receivers may reach out to other people in unhealthy ways in search of warmth, acceptance, and friendship.

  • Blaming the other person(s)
  • Demeaning, belittling, or ridiculing the other person(s)
  • Finding fault
  • Using sarcasm
  • Receivers feel hurt, resentful, angry, and even vengeful.
  • They may take action to strike back at you in an attempt to get revenge.
  • They may respond with depression, physical symptoms and even loss of identity and "nervous breakdowns."
  • You will be viewed as someone who is dangerous.
  • They will likely feel the need to protect themselves from you either by distancing from you or moving under your "power umbrella."

  • Bragging, parading oneself, dropping names
  • Talking in a pompous, self-righteous manner
  • Interrupting, competing for focus, drawing attention to oneself at the expense of another person
  • Monopolizing the conversation, talking with little or no request for feedback
  • Seeking service or approval from others
  • Seeking to please inappropriately
  • Using a sweet, syrupy tone of voice
  • You may be seen by receivers as insensitive and not truly interested in hearing their thoughts and feelings.
  • Receivers may become bored or irritated.
  • They may stop listening to you (shut you out).
  • Receivers may learn to feel inferior to you and to resent you.

  • Abandoning one's own wants, wishes, or desires (giving in) as the other person (s) is/are behaving vertically.
  • Showing evidence of feeling fearful (e.g., heavy breathing, change in pitch of voice, etc.) as other person is acting vertically.
  • Agreeing after the other person has persistently used distancing.
  • Without corrective feedback, receivers are not likely to change theirinappropriate behaviors.
  • They may learn to tyrannize you.
  • You may lose your self-esteem and sense of security.
  • You may develop chronic fatigue, headaches, neck aches, intestinal problems, anxiety and depression, and perhaps your interest in living.
  • You will likely lose the respect of the receivers.
  • In the extreme, you may lose your identity, suffer mental illness or contemplate suicide.

(G. Hugh Allred, 1976, 1986)