Thinking about Thinking...


Which of the following Positive Communication Styles fits you best? Which style do you use the most?

  • Discussing alternatives, exploring or discussing their advantages or disadvantages.
  • Disagreeing in a courteous manner
  • Making requests
  • Negotiating trade-offs
  • How do you think we could solve the problems of...?
  • What do you see as the available possibilities open to us?
  • As I perceive it, the advantages are..., while the disadvantages are...
  • What do you see as the advantages to each alternative?
  • Let me see if I understand. The alternatives available are...
  • You show that you are flexible and open to change.
  • This indicates that you care about receivers' concerns.
  • They will likely care more about you.

  • Agreeing
  • Committing oneself to act on a decision
  • Which alternative do you prefer?
  • I prefer alternative...
  • I am willing to ... if you are willing to ...
  • As I understand it, you agree to ...
  • I agree to ...
  • Action is more likely to follow after you have made a commitment.
  • Commitment builds the receivers' trust in you and will tend to strengthen your relationships.

  • Revealing one's own positive or negative feelings concerning :
    a) himself, herself, the other person (s), or the relationship (negative feelings are disclosed in a courteous manner).....
    b) things, events, or places (negative feelings are expressed in a courteous manner).
  • I am confused/sad/angry/hurt when...
  • I feel warm toward you when...
  • I am afraid to express myself when...
  • I enjoy being with you.
  • I like you.
  • Receivers will tend to draw closer to you, and you will draw closer to them.
  • They will see you as more human, vulnerable, and therefore safe.
  • You will earn their trust.
  • Receivers will likely share their feelings more readily with you.

  • Revealing one's own ideas or opinions regarding:
    a) himself, herself, the other person (s), or the relationship.....
    b) other person or relationships beyond that which is ongoing or.....
    c) things, events, or places.
  • It seems/appears to me that...
  • As I recall, it was...
  • My thinking may change, but I now believe...
  • I could be wrong...
  • My perception is...
  • Receivers of your messages will be more prone to listen to you and to explore their own thoughts and ideas.
  • They will likely feel safe with you.

  • Identifying, the other person's feelings or thoughts.
  • Paraphrasing the other person's feelings or thoughts in the form of a declaration.
  • Making encouraging statements, e.g., recognizing the other person's efforts or contributions.
  • Mm-Hmm. So you feel unfairly treated.
  • Please go on.
  • I apologize for...
  • Thanks for helping me to... (a declaration)
  • I appreciate your...
  • You feel... because...
  • You have tried hard to ...
  • you have worked on improving...
  • Improves receivers' self-worth. Receivers will likely try to do even better the next time.
  • You demonstrate a willingness to care and get involved; the result is greater closeness and warmth.
  • Helps reduce friction between you and the receivers.
  • Receivers may give you encouragement.

  • Paraphrasing another person's thoughts or feelings in the form of a question.
  • Asking questions to understand or to clarify, or asking for a response to the accuracy of one's own perception.
  • Hypothesizing or guessing about meanings.
  • What do you mean when you...?
  • How do you feel when I...?
  • Let me see if I understand what you mean...
  • Please help me to understand what you feel when I...
  • Could it be that you... when you feel I have...?
  • You convey the message that you care and want to understand receivers' thoughts and feelings.
  • Such responses can help receivers feel they are of greater value.
  • Their self-esteem will be enhanced.
  • They will likely respond to you in the same way.

  • Giving facts, often referencing sources (e.g., books)
  • Giving thoughts or feelings of others often referencing sources
  • Providing guidance or direction based on authoritative sources (these may be presented by use of unstructured or structured methods)
  • Receivers will likely consider/learn the information you have to share.
  • You may be opening the door to letting receivers teach you.
  • This will boost their self-esteem, and you may learn something in the process.
  • They will tend to feel safe with you as you teach in this manner.

(G. Hugh Allred 1976, 1986)